It is a great honour to be part of the global Olympic movement and the International Olympic Committee.
The Egyptian National Olympic Committee (ENOC) is a nonprofit Olympic Sport Organization that was established and affiliated to the International Olympic
Committee (IOC) in 1910. ENOC is the sole sport organization in Egypt that is responsible for preparing and sending athletes to the following world regional and
continental games: Summer Olympic Games, YOG, Mediterranean Games, Med. Beach Games, Pan Arab Games, All African Games, African Youth Games, Islamic
Solidarity Games, Francophone Games as well as any multi-sports games editions sanctioned by the IOC or any organization within the Olympic movement.
Inspire & Develop our Nation through Sports
ENOC Olympic Values have been established to educate athletes and people in general that the skills and experiences obtained through athletic preparation, participation in competitions, teamwork and friendship are far more valuable than achieving any medals.
We believe that sports and activities related to it help in the development of the physical, social, mental and spiritual well-being of all humans. Thus, it enhances their positive behaviors and helps them become better individuals.
The goal of the Olympic Movement is to build a peaceful and better world. Olympism is a philosophy of life, combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind . Mixing sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.
Built during a time when Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilizations in the world, the pyramids—especially the Great Pyramids of Giza—are some of the most magnificent man-made structures in history.Read More
More than 4,000 years later, the Egyptian pyramids still retain much of their majesty, providing a glimpse into the country’s glorious past.